Jul 1Liked by Rubi McGrory

You left out moving a body. Just sayin'

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One of my daughters got me a T-shirt that says "Stupid raisins, get out of my cookies!" They're a hoax, masquerading as chocolate chips to fool the nearsighted.

My mom's fabulous cookies were definitely a love language. Here's her recipe for oatmeal cookies sans raisins, slightly tweaked: https://biketoworkbarb.blogspot.com/2008/11/seriously-good-oatmeal-cookie-recipe.html.

I'll add "Taxi Service", which is maybe a variation on Airport Rides and a cousin of Errand Date. My best friend can text me and say "Can you pick me up from acupuncture?" or the Amtrak station or whatever and I can ask that in return.

Also Book/Movie/TV/Music Recommender. Someone who knows your taste and sends you something. Either you haven't read/seen/heard it so it's new to you, or you can talk about how much you both loved it (or were disappointed by it) or how this particular choice reveals the ways in which you are not exactly alike in your tastes.

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I don't know how to frame this, but I remember you letting me borrow your truck once, for some garden-related hauling. A great friend move! (Thanks again for that!)

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There is no gossip like work gossip that is not from my workplace and doesn't impact me in any way.

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Have you listened to Normal Gossip podcast?

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I tried but it's not the same as when it's from friends! You have to know the main character!

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